Monday, October 8, 2012

1/4 of the way through the mission!

I got a package today with CD’s of Spanish music.  I have been listening to them all day.  I love getting little surprises like that it really makes my week. I have lots to write about so I’ll begin with:

Luz and Francisco- Luz is awesome.  The only English she knows is “Oh my goodness.” She says it a lot during our lessons. Yesterday she was having pain in her kidney while we were teaching her.  We could tell she was uncomfortable. We asked her if she wanted a blessing and she said that she would. I anointed the oil and my companion did the blessing.  It was different because I had to do it in Spanish. The spirit was strong and after we were able to continue the lesson.  We have a baptism date of September 2. I hope all goes well.  She has some work to do.  We meet with her almost every day and she feeds us lunch.  She always wants us to come for lunch.  We have tacos De la cabeza and sopa De lenguas. It’s really good.

The Auillas- This family is recent converts and they basically love me! Haha. They have a son Jorge, he is 15. He always wants to talk to me and calls me often.  We go over and visit him to make sure he is doing alright. The family is in really bad shape.  It makes me sad.  They live in a small trailer. There is 10 people, 8 children and 5 of them have different fathers.  We really love the family and try to help when we can. Last time I was there they had some kind of bug infestation. I broke out in hives that itched like crazy. They are awesome and we are trying to help activate them.

Francis- She is a pastor in the Catholic Church.  She teaches bible study.  We were out knocking on doors and came upon her door.  We started talking to her about the gospel.  She soon let us in and we started talking about the bible.  We invited her to come to church the next Sunday. Guess what? She came.  It was so cool.  She came for all three meetings. I sat next to her in gospel doctrine class. She leans over to me and said I really like this church, I think I want to come more.  You never know may be we’ll have a few baptisms this month.  That would be so great.  This area has struggled for a while.  We haven’t had a baptism in over a year and a half.

I still struggle with Spanish.  I’m getting better and understand most things.  I sometimes get confused.  Someone will be talking to me in Spanish and I’m listening carefully and all of a sudden they start speaking Spanish.  It’s crazy and frustrating. I know some mean spanglish though.

Every pday we go hiking or got hit golf balls at the golf course. We have 5 clubs that we bought for $2 at the DI. Since I’m the only one that knows anything about golf, I have to give quick lessons on swings. Dad would be so proud. Haha.

We have only been drinking tap water. I started to get terrible stomach aches. I was trying everything to figure it out. Finally one of the missionaries said have you been drinking the water? I said yes, and he told us you’ve got to get a filter. So we did and everything has been better.  Maybe we are to close to Mexico.

I love you all so much! I have great days and some hard days. But, when I am teaching a lesson, all the hard things don’t seem to matter. I love the gospel and sharing it with people.  I absolutely love the people here. Sometimes I forget I’m in the US. I am so grateful for this opportunity. Thank you for encouraging and supporting me. Tell everyone hello and I miss them.  I love to get letters so keep them coming. Talk to you soon.

Elder Jace Call